The Power of Deciding Once.The challenge isn’t the actual thing you have to do. It's the deciding. And repeating the decision-making process dozens of times a day.
The Emotional Labour of Leading...and Sick KidsI’m a really good Mom. And I truly love being a parent and taking care of my son. Except when he’s sick.
Lessons from the first weeks of schoolAll behaviour is communicating need. If we can meet the need, we help our kids do their best. And - surprise! - that holds up at work too!
Micromanaging and Min SpecsEveryone wants independence, but it's so easy to start tightening the reins! Here's how to stop micromanaging, at work and at home.
"If you don't debrief it, it didn't happen."“Mooooom! I’m so BORED!” Super normal experience for a kid. I left him alone for a while to see if he could figure it out. He could not.